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To maintain a low-sodium diet, you need a heart healthy cookbook with recipes that are simple, quick, and convenient to fit into your everyday routine. The Easy Heart Healthy Cookbook for Slow Cookers makes low-sodium meals easier than ever with prep-and-go recipes for your slow cooker. Prep meals in 15 minutes or less―with no additional steps―and discover how simple it is to fit low-sodium meals into your schedule.

Prep, set, and forget about extra steps with this heart healthy cookbook. The Easy Heart Healthy Cookbook for Slow Cookers provides a simple solution to low-sodium meals with:

130 Easy Slow Cooker Recipes that prep in 15 minutes or less and require no pre-cooking or further steps
An Overview of Heart Health that teaches you how to maintain a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise
A Slow Cooker Guide that lists pantry essentials, Dos and Don’ts, plus tips on how to best use your slow cooker for this heart healthy cookbook

Time to put my slow cooker to use, thanks and reps sent.
Can't get enough of slow cooker recipes, reps added!
A lot of slow cooker recipes are loaded with salt, so I look forward to reading this one. Even if one doesn't have high blood pressure, eating too much sodium is still not a good idea. Morton salt, the kind most people buy is very heavily processed and has a bunch of nasty stuff in it.
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Nice share StillStanding
[Image: 12days-SMALL.png] says Thanks and reps
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