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Full Version: WP5 - BIG changes coming. (Gutenberg !! )
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Lots of controversy about WordPress 5 with Gutenberg.
Many different opinions thus far.

I only wonder how much of our existing add-ons will be broken by this major change and whether maybe it will be better to stop updating WP for a while to keep things running as-is ??

There's even a 'cure' coming for those who wish for all their existing stuff to work as-is:

A petition against it which nobody has joined into yet:

Long and detailed post about it:

More info here if desired as well:

There's already 2 courses to help folks cope with this at Udemy and I'll post links to them into this thread ASAP...

Any additional info and helpful comments will be very welcomed here !!
Curious ?? Want to be ready for the forced changes ??

See these for an idea of why this may be very serious for a great many users (NOT free):
I was initially surprised as to what Project Gutenberg had to do with Wordpress - went through the links to realize that it is a WYSISYG editor for WP5.

Pathetic ratings (2.3/5)

Usually, large guys get away pushing sub-standard compatibility breaking releases in the name of progress - game plan would include gradually stop security fixes for older versions forcing people to upgrade...
The important detail IMO is that this will be forced on ALL users sooner or later.
If they just suggested it, or left it optional it would not be so offensive - but that ain't the plan as it is told right now.
Here you go guys, bookmark this:

HTH ;)
Yep, just as I'd posted in the OP=>
There's even a 'cure' coming for those who wish for all their existing stuff to work as-is:

Also - it is not officially launched yet, as it says on their site:
Quote:ClassicPress is on its way – be the first to know when we launch!
And here ( it says:
Quote:WordPress, without Gutenberg. (NOTE: Still in development, don't use yet!)
Cool, big corpie decides to have its way, but people decide to do something about it.

However, I see an issue of size with ClassicPress though - currently has only 3 devs. If this is somehow viewed as a threat to the company's topline, then they would come up with ways and means to "persuade" such altruistic efforts to wind up (which would end up being worse for the community).

Thanks for your attention to this matter FFFF !!
Indeed that is so sadly true.

My biggest concern with this coming forced change is whether it will break existing sites via their addons - making a truly huge mess.

Thus far very little attention has been given to this coming change and I can imagine how it may cause a huge furor if/when a bazillion sites get broken via simply updating...
Thank you, Smithnowt.

The way things are worded on the WP website, addons breaking seems to be almost a certainty (this is definitely NOT the way to do disruptive innovation! - scre_wing loyal customer base and not listening to what they have to say is a fast track way to oblivion)

Yep - something gets too big for its own britches and then gets overly pushy rather than doing good for those who are solidly behind it.
Now that WP has so many sites that depend upon it, the next step is assuredly WORLD DOMINATION.
Most likely they'll force out this next abortion and then use it as a way to make users PAY for NOT being forced to use it.

Good marketing practice, or not ?!?K
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