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Ruthy Alon's description of Feldenkrais work in Mindful Spontaneity is a favored text of a generation of Feldenkrais enthusiasts. Alon weaves experiential and theoretical information in a poetic yet pragmatic language. These simple and unexpected suggestions will help everyone who suffers from restricted movement or pain to find a new sense of freedom.
Quote:The Feldenkrais method is a new way of approaching movement that solves many kinds of chronic pain. It also gives a new, easier way to move and live your life.

Ruthy Alon is one of the leading practitioners of this method and was one of Moshe Feldenkrais's original students. I think this book offers a nice contrast to Moshe's "Awareness Through Movement." It is written in a more intuitive, "touchy-feely" way than any of Moshe's books.

In the introductory chapter she challenges traditional ways of thinking about the back (e.g., the importance laid on the "Abs" in many workout routines). Then the author introduces the Feldenkrais way of thinking about the back and the human body. The blanket lessons mentioned in the earlier reviews are superb (it is also good to try them using a 6-inch exercise roller). If you have had no exposure to the Feldenkrais method, that chapter is a good place to start (especially if you suffer from backache).

The ideal way into the Feldenkrais method is through one-on-one lessons with a good teacher, but this book provides a gentle and safe introduction for those who do not have access to good teachers. I read this book after I had had live lessons and ATM classes, and it was very useful for me to get her perspective on what the method is trying to do.




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