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Information technology is changing the world through automation, by bypassing middlemen and by digitization. We see dramatic effects today in the music industry, going from CDs to streaming, in newspapers, from paper to online, and in the banking industry, from branch offices to the Internet. One of the most fundamental changes is the replacement of physical cash, money and coins, by bits in a computer.

A Cash-Free Society is about this dramatic change. It shows the advantages and disadvantages and discuss how we – consumers, businesses and the society -can prepare for a new world where cash is no longer king. Banks are closing down branch offices and removing cash services. Customers wishing to withdraw money as cash are directed to ATMs. But the number of ATMs is declining. Mobile payments, either for paying bills or for person to person transactions will be the last nail in the coffin for cash.

These changes are fed by the overwhelming advantages, both for consumers and businesses, to electronic payments. In the countries that lead this transition to a digital economy, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, nearly all transactions, both in volume and number, are digital. Today less than 3 percent of consumer payments are in cash in Norway. Though there are some disadvantages, there are clear benefits: cheaper transactions, less crime, simpler tax processing and it will become more difficult to operate in the black-market economy.

Very actual, thanks a lot, repped
interesting share, reps given
re-up request

Thanks for the book and reup.....
This will be a devastating development for our civilization...just another way for the government to control people. I hope and pray that paper/coin money and gold/silver will ALWAYS be the main way for people to buy/sell goods or we will be doomed as a democratic society....mark my words...and I'll leave you with this if you don't believe me....
Gov't at Tax time: "Don't worry Mr. Smith, we went into your account and already took our "share", thanks and we'll be back next year for our cut."
True, true mthomas. That is until SHTF and then there the dollar will be totally worthless. And then, humanity will be stuck. The only other commodities that will be worthy will be food, self-sufficient electricity, water and shelter.

Face it, you cannot digest or eat paper money or solid coins. If you grow your own food with the resources that the amazing StillStanding has shared in the past, you will be alright.
re-up request

Reps to SS for tirelessly, endlessly, HEROICLY re-upping stuff!
re-up request

re-up request

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