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Quote:Considering the average hypnosis book. Nothing, and I mean nothing is more amazing than the Hypno-Cybernetics system. Sure the method is simple. (Three steps) But in the few days that I've had this book. Wow is just the bottom of the barrel describing Dr. Petrie and Dr. Stone's system of subconscious programming. I did the chair and suconscious signal finger raising and subconscious command excercise, (the core of the three steps I was talking about) and the results were just amazing. And on my first day doing it. I recently went on Dr. Petrie's website for his hypnosis institute. Know that this book was written in 1973, you can only wonder what they can do now in one day. I believe and know that their claims are true and real about being able to cure certain phobias and ailments in one day because of the powerfully instant results I had with this book. This review is as for real as "a house on fire". Believe me, when I say that this book is an amazing read and practice -- I mean you read it, you do it, then you experience the incredible results.




Thanks for the share and reps added.
Thanks for another wonderful share Nancy857 Reps Added Perfect 10
Thank you. Appreciated
thank you very much Nancy, I'm your fans
Anyone still have this and can re-up?
must be of value if gone already
please reup warriors
bump for reup..Thanks
Bump for reup please.

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