(09-12-2018 11:13 PM)i_Love_Knowledge Wrote: [ -> ]I just wanted to add to this because I decided to do a little research and wanted to make a contribution.
I decided to test a few buckets and so far I've had great success. The first few ones from amazon itself didn't really seem to work, but I think that's something with the configuration of the bucket itself, or maybe there's so many files they were taking a long time to load. Either way, scroll below to see the website that I found that has a gigantic listing of buckets!
This website contains a list of 48,607 open buckets. (180555309 files) As of September 12, 2018.
https://buckets.grayhatwarfare.com/ (Use this link if you want to use the search function)
https://buckets.grayhatwarfare.com/buckets (Use this link if you want to jump straight into bucket listings)
Wow now we are overloaded :)
Here is more:
— Search engine for some buckets. It include (according to their posts) ~100 000 buckets, and they index the first page of each.
@ i_Love_Knowledge, and @berlinerin mind-blowing ..ThankYou both for the share..
This is pure gold! Thanks a lot for the share :)
and dont forget to repp - the other people ;)
(09-11-2018 12:37 PM)ReignOfTerror Wrote: [ -> ]Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes!! It's been a minute bro! Glad to see you're still alive and kicking! Thanks for the share!
Thank you for telling us. ....but dont use such pink Fonts. Thank you!
Not good for our eyes...
IF you find more... pls tell what it i for. (short)
Because there are so much!
I checked these but have so much to look for.
That is why I rely on BBHFrs sharing the buckets - The Useful Buckets! ;)
(09-12-2018 11:13 PM)i_Love_Knowledge Wrote: [ -> ]I just wanted to add to this because I decided to do a little research and wanted to make a contribution.
I decided to test a few buckets and so far I've had great success. The first few ones from amazon itself didn't really seem to work, but I think that's something with the configuration of the bucket itself, or maybe there's so many files they were taking a long time to load. Either way, scroll below to see the website that I found that has a gigantic listing of buckets!
This website contains a list of 48,607 open buckets. (180555309 files) As of September 12, 2018.
https://buckets.grayhatwarfare.com/ (Use this link if you want to use the search function)
https://buckets.grayhatwarfare.com/buckets (Use this link if you want to jump straight into bucket listings)
Yes too much :)
But I can tell you how I found some good:
Going to a Website or Offer
and than look at the pictures or downloads -
With Google Chrome you can see in the left corner down:
a adress of S3.......
try to open it. Not always is open.
But try....
(09-13-2018 05:20 AM)berlinerin Wrote: [ -> ]Yes too much :)
But I can tell you how I found some good:
Going to a Website or Offer
and than look at the pictures or downloads -
With Google Chrome you can see in the left corner down:
a adress of S3.......
try to open it. Not always is open.
But try....
thank you much!!

Repps given.
I must say:
thank you, if you have only 1 repp.
That was good :) Nice ;)
Thank you again.