I am stuck... I am trying to integrate PayU Latam on my web site (Wordpress, no woocommerce). So far, so good - But I am stuck on the configuration settings in my account page. Anybody knows what I have to fill in here?
Gracias - thanks!
Translating to English:
URL respuesta = Response URL
URL confirmaciĆ³n = Confirmation URL
URL de notificacion de disputa = Dispute notification URL
Lista de e-mail para notificacions de disputa = E-mail list for dispute notifications
Account page
Response URL: The page to which the buyer will be direct once the transaction in PayU ends. This page will display the status of the transaction.
Confirmation URL: The page to which PayU will send the payment confirmation to your system in order to update inventory and database once the transaction reaches its final state. This page is not mandatory.
Dispute Page
We also send a POST with all the information of the dispute to any URL you may set on your administrative module. This way you can automate your dispute management processes to minimize the risk of a possible chargeback.
You can set the URL where we will make the notification in the administrative module by clicking on the settings menu in the account setup option, define the dispute notification url and enabling the notification box.
So, in case of disputed transactions, they send all relevant details to Dispute notification URL and to email ids entered in the Account Page.
I am little late, sorry! Thanks for your tutorial - sent you max reps for this!