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Full Version: [GET]Hostbill Nulled Version 2019-02-25
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Thank you sharing.

(10-16-2018 12:59 PM)legionfx Wrote: [ -> ]plugins are not working it php7.2 ioncube
someone it a license neeeds to follow this steps:

Login to license management portal at https:// /
Under "Services" locate license you wish to download all plugins for
Click on "Download all plugins"
Follow guide displayed on screen

EDIT: Files are encoded for php 7 ioncube not 5.6 like the it says.
Case 1- Change server php to 5.6 - upload = index corrupted
Case 2- Change server php to 7.2 - upload = installs correctly but then gives ioncube error on modules(plesk configuration for example) saying it needs ioncube for php 5.6
Result = Hostbill encoded to php7 but plugins still on 5.6 . not usable

EDIT 2 : Working it php 7.0.32 :P

I can see you're quite an expert on hostbill, have you managed to fix the frequent 'license error' message ? This is very annoying, it can happen any time.
2018-10-22 added
(10-17-2018 05:09 PM)crossing Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you sharing.

(10-16-2018 12:59 PM)legionfx Wrote: [ -> ]plugins are not working it php7.2 ioncube
someone it a license neeeds to follow this steps:

Login to license management portal at https:// /
Under "Services" locate license you wish to download all plugins for
Click on "Download all plugins"
Follow guide displayed on screen

EDIT: Files are encoded for php 7 ioncube not 5.6 like the it says.
Case 1- Change server php to 5.6 - upload = index corrupted
Case 2- Change server php to 7.2 - upload = installs correctly but then gives ioncube error on modules(plesk configuration for example) saying it needs ioncube for php 5.6
Result = Hostbill encoded to php7 but plugins still on 5.6 . not usable

EDIT 2 : Working it php 7.0.32 :P

I can see you're quite an expert on hostbill, have you managed to fix the frequent 'license error' message ? This is very annoying, it can happen any time.

well 1st time i installed i got that error. but after the 2nd and 3rd time for some reason the error was gone. i belive its related to php version issue. try installing on php 7.0.32 . it worked pretty well for me. some bugs tough like sometimes settings dont apply and you need to save it like 3 times. but not frequent and unrelated to php version.

also keep in mind to block hostbill domain on firewall level cause this is only license null and not fully nulled. some callbacks still remain
2018-10-29 added

Republic Day in Turkey

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
I'm getting more often license error now. Any chance to fix that ?

When I try to deploy any VPS I'm getting logged out from admin area with license error. Every time.

The strange things is that I'm using 2018-06-27 version, I was afraid to upgrade it to newer version due to rare license error issue but suddenly start happening extremely often not been able to deploy any VPS.
new version added.
Issues while installing it :)

Following error occured during database operations: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'date_changed'

Is there any issues with this nulled version?
Hello brother, do you have the USER API module?
aNYONE has the user api module?
Thank you for such sweet share :)
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