01-27-2012, 06:48 AM
Jay Conrad Levinson and Chet Holmes - Guerrilla Marketing Meets Karate Master
If you ever thought about learning how to become a dominant force and grow your business, now is the time. Most businesses suffer from limited mindsets. A good chiropractor chiropractor
a practitioner in chiropractic.
chiropractor A health professional trained in chiropractic; chiropractors do not perform surgery or prescribe drugs; of 50,000 licensed chiropractors in the US, many practice 'straight' chiropractic, ie thinks that he can run a successful practice. A good cook thinks that running a restaurant is easy. This misconception mis·con·cep·tion
A mistaken thought, idea, or notion; a misunderstanding: had many misconceptions about the new tax program. has resulted in a high failure rate.
Take heart. Chet Holmes, creator of Zero to $100 Million and Jay Conrad Levinson, author of Guerrilla Marketing The of this article or section may be compromised by "weasel words".
You can help Wikipedia by removing weasel words. have created a 3-day seminar for small, midsize, and large companies. The $2,995 per person Guerrilla Marketing Meets Karate Master Seminar is being held on March 25-27 at 4 Points Sheraton San Rafael 866-327-8558.
Discover how to go from zero to $100 million, 101 guerrilla marketing tactics, time management secrets of billionaires, six key areas of profit in every business, traits of overachievers and superstars, double sales in 12-18 months, 12 steps to get an appointment with anyone, 7 steps to every sale, etc.
Chet Holmes is a Fortune 500 marketing strategist, sales trainer, and karate master. His combination of martial arts discipline mixed with sound marketing practices shows struggling companies how to increase revenues and stay in business. Jay Levinson has sold 16 million books and is an all-time favorite of small businesses and Fortune 500 CEOs. His books are required reading in many MBA program.
Can the person earning $100,000 per year work ten times harder and get to $ 1 million per year? Yes, it's possible. But, you will never go to $1 million to $ 5 million or $10 million on hard work alone ... you need tools.
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