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Full Version: NLP At Work: The Difference that Makes the Difference in Business
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This major new edition of Sue Knight's bestselling book NLP at Work has been extensively revised and updated, with an emphasis on the heart of NLP - becoming a model of excellence.

In addition to a new slant to every chapter, there are three new chapters on the key things that make the biggest difference for the greatest results:
Humour: enabling you to stand back and see things from a different perspective
Clean questions: minimising yourself to find out the essence of the other person
Time: understanding how what you get in life is influenced by your relationship to time past, present and future

NLP at Work has sold over 100,000 copies and is one of the most popular books ever published on the practical skills of NLP and how it can be applied in business. It transformed NLP from a peripheral art into an accessible, practical concept with relevant applications in the areas of influence, communication, negotiation, teamwork and coaching. Clear, readable and jargon free, this book will help you get to the essence of what makes you and your business excellent and unique.


Super useful, thanks a lot, repped
(08-30-2018 01:06 AM)Miguelrivas Wrote: [ -> ]Super useful, thanks a lot, repped

You're welcome Miguelrivas...thanks for the feedback.
A very good book on NLP. Lays it out in a way that if you are new to the subject you can grasp it well and if you are experienced, still holds a lot of value for you also.

Well worth the download!

Thanks for the share.


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