The latest new course by Tony Shepherd
Salespage -
Tony Shepherd, along with Sean Mize, is the only guy in the entire IM space that I trust and who produces top courses consistently.
What's also unique about him is that his offers are available for only 2-3 days after which he pulls them from the market. You don't see that particular course again for another month, if ever.
If/when he offers this particular course again, I suggest we get it asap. I'd be open to a GB if required.
Anyone get their hands on this and ready to share?
Anyone else interested in a gb?
@jimms Thanks for the link. Rep Added
(09-22-2018 04:44 AM)jimms Wrote: [ -> ]This is all i can find:
Thanks, jimms, but as it's not his latest product "Click" i still hope someone can provide that as well :)