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Receive Wise Guidance from Your Mom-Mother Nature! Albert Einstein said, "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Mother Nature, our greatest self-help guru, is always speaking to us . . . but in what language? When we learn how to interpret the plants, patterns, and timing in nature, a world of information appears that can help us live healthier, happier, and more balanced lives.

This fascinating book takes you on a fun adventure while combining ancient secrets with modern research, and imagination with science, to help you see nature in a whole new way. Exercises throughout the book will teach you how to tune in to nature's wisdom, empowering you to develop keen insight and create beneficial changes for a healthier mind, body, soul, and planet. Prepare to be inspired, informed, entertained, and awakened to the profound wisdom of Mother Nature!

Going to read this sucker tonight! Reps for the post.
thanks for sharing SS
Thank you for sharing. Much appreciated. Repped.
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another re-up request for this one

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Stillstanding Thanks for your share

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