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Full Version: [GET] Fat and Cholesterol Don't Cause Heart Attacks and Statins are Not The Solution
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[Image: 41v3CfOnVeL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

This book is dedicated to Uffe Ravnskov, MD, Ph.D. for his seminal and propaedeutic achievements in disputing the dogma that fat and cholesterol cause coronary heart disease, and that statins are safe and cardioprotective for everyone. As will be seen, no studies support the notion that restricting fat reduces coronary morbidity or mortality. More importantly, government recommendations mandating low fat diets are likely the cause of the escalating epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Several chapters detail the panoply of significant adverse health effects of statins that have been ignored or suppressed in reports of drug company sponsored trials. These include promoting the development of coronary atherosclerosis and congestive failure. In addition, the putative benefits of statins are clearly unrelated to lowering LDL or cholesterol, but rather anti-inflammatory and especially anticoagulant activities. This clotting or "atherothrombotic" hypothesis appears to explain all of the factors known to cause or protect against coronary heart disease.

Other chapters by THINCS members discuss the role of infections and sulfur deficiency, and the numerous ways data are doctored to hype the benefits and minimize the dangers of statins. All of these contributions expose the fallacies of the lipid hypothesis, which was called "the greatest scientific deception of this century, perhaps of any century" by the distinguished nutritionist George Mann, former Co-Director of the Framingham Study.

Thank you!!
Big Pharma made a study which was manipulated to their own benefit and created this market to the tune of $16 billion in sales last year. Statins are not only the solution but are very dangerous. Reps for this great share!
(08-21-2018 01:02 PM)metroman99 Wrote: [ -> ]Big Pharma made a study which was manipulated to their own benefit and created this market to the tune of $16 billion in sales last year. Statins are not only the solution but are very dangerous. Reps for this great share!

Statins are the cause of heart attacks, dementia and Alzheimers. Luckily there are more and more books like this and only the idiots will ignore them and believe everything Big food, Big Pharma and Big Media tells them.

Thanks for the share Stillstanding +rep
There are plenty of sites that claim statin drugs are safe and life saving, those sites are no doubt put up by the drug industry. Don't trust Big Pharma and don't trust your doctor either. Doctors are controlled by the drug industry. Thanks for the share StillStanding
Thanks a lot, excellent, repped
(08-22-2018 12:42 AM)srw1958 Wrote: [ -> ]There are plenty of sites that claim statin drugs are safe and life saving, those sites are no doubt put up by the drug industry. Don't trust Big Pharma and don't trust your doctor either. Doctors are controlled by the drug industry. Thanks for the share StillStanding

Bingo! Several websites including WebMD, RXlist, Medscape and MedicinNet were bought by a private investment firm last year that has close ties to GlaxoSmithkline, Bayer and Merck among others.

Medscape has already removed any negative content regarding vaccines for example.
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