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Learn How to Hear God's Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping

On average, people spend 33% of their lives sleeping. Even at night, Heaven is still communicating. "I was asleep, but my heart was awake..." (Song of Songs 5:2).

The question is: How do you simply and biblically capture this flow every night?

Hearing God Through Your Dreams is a practical and powerful guide to understanding the language that God speaks at night. Through revelatory teaching, supernatural stories, and a refreshing, down-to-earth approach, Mark Virkler and his daughter Charity will help you identify the priceless messages with which the Lord has infused your dreams.

Discover how:

Your dreams are bridges that connect you with the supernatural realm
Visions and dreams are scripturally sound and relevant for your life, today
Dreams tap into and unleash divine creativity that is deep within you
Bad dreams can be transformed into blessings
You can interpret dreams using proven tools and biblical techniques
The meaning of personalized symbols in your dreams can be unlocked

re-up request

StillStanding thank you so much my brother.

God's message will find its way through HIS messengers...

Blessings and thank you always!! Thanks
Very interesting share. Thank you. From a person who prays and talks to God every morning and night I think I will like this.
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