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Who Knew? 10,001 Household Solutions: Money-Saving Tips, DIY Cleaners, Kitchen Secrets, and Other Easy Answers to Everyday Problems

A big new book on household solutions from the 5-million-copy-selling Who Knew? brand!

Whether you’re cleaning house, cooking a meal, improving your appearance, or fighting a cold, this indispensable guide will help you with natural and simple solutions to your daily tasks requiring only basic―and inexpensive―items with multiple uses that you should always keep on hand in your home.

Vinegar, baking soda, lemons, duct tape, and beer are just a few of the all-purpose tools you need to eliminate odors, keep your food fresher longer, get rid of pests, increase storage space, de-stress, give yourself a spa treatment, and so much more. With easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll discover clever and creative ways to give your home―and yourself―a makeover while saving time and money.

Great share brother. Rep added
Awesome share, something I'll refer to again and again.
(08-18-2018 12:38 AM)TillNextTime Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome share, something I'll refer to again and again.

Exactly what I was going to say, so I'll say ditto!
re-up request

Thanks Still Standing appreciated.
re-up request

Bump for mirror.
(02-18-2020 11:11 AM)Magma Wrote: [ -> ]Bump for mirror.

here you go

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