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Full Version: [FREE] Instant Leads Generator
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Instant Leads Generator(Latest Version)

Generate Live Leads from Websites

Import and Distribute Lead Lists

Ramp Up with CPA Affiliate System

Includes both a version for php 4 and php 5 + all bonuses
Use 9v53 for php4 and 9v54 for php5

See included install.png for installation instructions.

Distribute Leads

Distribute leads automatically to sales teams of all sizes, or to lead buyers, the very moment they are generated.

Customizable Email Autoresponders

Lead Distribution by Email, Back-Office and HTTP Post

Lead Filters - the Right People Always Get the Right Leads

[Image: Instant+Lead+Generator+%28newest+version%29.jpg]

Sell Leads

A complete low cost system ideal for lead generation companies, call centers, and any organization that needs to sell, route or distribute leads to multiple recipients.

Sell Live Leads on Autopilot

Sell Aged Leads through Cherry Picker System

Create Multiple Pricing Schedules


Greetz. Alex

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