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Full Version: [REQ] Clickbank Epic Winner - Make 20K with CB
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This looks like it could be good stuff. Can anyone get this or find it's download pages. Everybody loves Clickbank.

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Looks interesting.
It did look interesting; so I bought it (and the OTO) to share here.
I haven't looked at them yet but I see the OTO is 60 best campaigns to use and some landing page "secrets".
Hopefully, this will be useful for some members.

Uploaded to MF (ZIP File contains both pdf's):

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Thanks solar33, your awesome for sharing this! Reps added.
Great share Solar33. Max reps
Appreciate you sharing solar33. Reps added for you.Thanks
Thanks a lot @solar33. Max Redd Add
Great Share solar33 !!!! Max Reps!!! Thanks a lot !!!
Aww shucks! Thanks guys. I'm feelin' the love right now for sure.
My thanks also to 'blackhatmarketer' for bringing this to my attention with his Req. Reps coming for you my man.
I have just finished going through the FE and OTO. They are both very quick and easy to read. I won't review it
because you pretty much know what it involves, right? (Clickbank and Adwords)

However, I am actually going to give this a go because it has me curious...and it's been more than a decade now
since I was badly burned with Adwords. :-) Maybe this time...??

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