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Full Version: [REQ] Britt Malka's "9 Point Formula For Writing Romance"
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She teaches how to write clean and wholesome romance stories.
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Might be useful. I'm trying out a romance series...
I would really like this, too. I've been searching tonight, but all I was able to find was this:

It's 8 videos that tell you how to set up a holiday blog.

She's got and, and she has several books listed on zaxaa, which all redirect back to writerbychoice. But none of the search tricks I know turned up anything but that video course.
I found this, too, as well. Not by Britt, but by Joanna Penn. [code
Hey everyone, I found the book here - there's just one problem. The book has accidentally been uploaded to Google Books by a romance author (she must be using it to help her write her romance novels). Google books just shows a very limited number of pages (not the whole book). If anyone knows how to obtain the full book, please share. From what I've read in the preview it looks excellent.

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