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How to be a super affiliate

There is no question about it, getting to the top of the letter board takes years of hard work.
for most of us it starts with one website that performs very well. It becomes an addiction and before you know it you have 500 sites and a million links in google but your still just making ends meet.

Put it in to perspective:
20% or more goes to taxes. The more you make, the more you pay in taxes.
15% goes to bandwidth computers and power consumption. You may not realize now but when you get to the super level you WILL be running 10+ machines at your home or office. Each machine is a constant heat source spiking in temperature as the machine is under load. That is the equivilant of 10 500-1400 watt space heaters. Thats a lot of heat.

The networking equipment alone costs a pretty penny.
We didn't even bring in the potential costs for advertisement and software purchases.

That is where it becomes important to plan for the future ahead of time.
The first thing you need to do is establish an LLC. This classification offers suprreme protection for internet marketing and prevents your eprsonal assets from coming in to risk. Don't get me wrong, you screw up big enough and your stuff is gone but for the most part you are safe with an LLC.

When you establish an LLC the first thing you do is your paper work of declaration. This is important. You need to have a time frame set in front of you. A set of goals your LLC will meet.

When it comes to payroll this is where everyone messes up. You do NOT pay yourself A DIME MORE THAN YOUR BILLS!
The reason? An LLC MUST pay out their payroll regularly meaning you can't get away with making 10k this month and 1k next month unless you paid yourself the extact amount.

The reason is taxes. You must pay SS FICA and Employment taxes when you have an LLC. YES you can write off EVERY single expense and thus getting a sick phat return but the return is pointless if you spend it all to recoup losses. That just compounds your loss.
If you pay yourself a steady amount consistantly you save 30% or more in taxes every year. So if you make 30k one month you don't end up paying extra taxes and most importantly if you don't make a good amount of money, say 1k, you don't have to pay extra taxes out of pocket.

When it comes time to start paying yourself big bucks you need to register a second company but incorporate this one. If you go the LLC route you must adhere to strict reporting procedures that will be explained to you when you establish your license.
What you are going to do is set this company up as a payroll management firm and if you own or rent any property for the buisness transfere administration over to that new company.

this protects you two ways. One, if you go broke there is a law that says the owner of the property has right to basicly come in and show off your property to anyone with all of your equipment and everything still going on. That is a huge risk.
Second is taxes. Instead of your main company paying payroll taxes and everything we will use the smaller company. The reason is, that smaller company will be paying a shit ton less in FICA SS and the rest BECAUSE it is a small entity with no other responsibilty BUT to pay the taxes and pay the rent.

It also means if your main company goes belly up or gets in trouble, say you get sued for cookie stuffing, your payroll company is intact and working just fine and if you did it right you were transfering a % of all the money you earn to that smaller company. It means you come out on top even if you lose the buisness and you still have a good majority of your money.

If you decide to go off shore just remember it is not like the movies. Get ready to travel. You need to go set it up in person and bring your corporate declarations or risk being a target. New federal reporting makes this is a stupid idea if your trying to find a tax shelter.

Honestly if you are going to go off shore make sure you register your main company in Arizona. Just get a PO box in Arizona so you can legaly register your buisness there. You must have a real physical address in that state to be licensed to do buisness there. Or Florida. No state tax. Arizona has another nifty section too but they now TAX affiliate commissions so watch out.

On to orginization:
The first rule is never check your e-mail first thing in the morning. Wait a few hours. It saves you from wasting a ton of time.

Second is to work GOOD hours. Work when the internet is busy. Plan out your time zones and make sure your online and working during the major swing points in the day.

Third is know your software. Know it so well you could do it with your eyes closed.

The forth rule is to always keep a clean workspace. If you are sloppy and lazy so will your work be and you will never get the kind of returns you could be. Lazyness starts at home.

Fith is to never waste time. If it just isn't working then you need to move on. Ever niche youw aste time on is an opportunity for your competition to kick your ass.

NEVER DRINK AND WORK. Would you show up to a 9-5 job drunk? No. Do NOT work drunk. You will make S***** decisions and possibly make some big mistakes that could cost you. Drinking and work do not mix.
Super affiliate? im a super
really super affiliate?
i was thinking this was a tutorial that revolves around clickbank and how to sell/promote products lol :)
Same here dude.
thanks you thing it need a lot of patient but how could i achieve it,for new communication,re-communication need a lot of time and must keep a hard please give more advice on it.
thanks for awesome posting
I know "no pain no gain"
Hard work makes money.

The article is about grammar of affiliate marketing.
but I need short road,to make too much money.
Please share something like that.
Affiliate program internet business is very promising. With relatively small capital but it can bring great results. The article above also shows that the affiliate is great promise.
How to be a super noob:
One machine running day night.
Hoping anyone buy your affiliate products.
Exploring bbhf to get more tools.
Sit most time of day in front of computer.
But not earning a dime.
Paying lots of time to seo.
Go to gym when tired of seeing computer screen(don't know about others).
and other useless things which a super affiliate never do.
Thanks for this share
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