Guys, I came across a site where you can download premium WordPress themes and plugins for free. I've tested some of them and they seem to be working fine. Enjoy!!!
Reps will always be appreciated.
Hmm, I joined yesterday and spent a lot of time reading everything. If the details they publish are genuine - I know it's easy to say just about anything - it seems like an unbelievably good site. But I'm a skeptic LOL.
I've downloaded a couple of themes and they seem fine, so who knows? If what they are saying is true and they are 100% aboveboard, it will be a wonderful find.
I've never had a problem with anything they've added to the site
any theme and plugin add shell?
Awesome works very wel!!! Thanks man!
Sites that I've built using these themes are still functioning well even now. So the themes are legit.
Sites that I've built using these themes are still functioning well even now. So these themes are legit.
Easily explained right at their site (and even via their URL):
Quote:Download the most popular GPL-licensed Premium WordPress Themes and Plugins and WooCommerce Extensions and Themes
Quote: GNU General Public License
The GNU General Public License is a widely used free software license, which guarantees end users the freedom to run, study, share and modify the software.
(07-18-2018 11:52 PM)Tanzzee Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, I joined yesterday and spent a lot of time reading everything. If the details they publish are genuine - I know it's easy to say just about anything - it seems like an unbelievably good site. But I'm a skeptic LOL.
I've downloaded a couple of themes and they seem fine, so who knows? If what they are saying is true and they are 100% aboveboard, it will be a wonderful find.
Are you still a skeptic? Lol, everything is still working fine.