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Full Version: [GET] Florence Scovel Shinn Your Word Is Your Wand
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In a series of three books, The Game of Life and How to Play It, Your Word is Your Wand, and The Secret Door to Success, Florence Scovel Shinn outlines the secrets and the methods to attracting health, wealth, and prosperity. This timeless classic has been dusted off and repackaged for a modern audience.

Although this thread is for the book "Your Word is Your Wand", I put together all three books into a zip file and will include them at the end of this post. The other two books have been shared on this forum so you can find them that way, too but I thought that since they are a set, I would make them available that way if you want them.

Quote:The book is dated, but the advice is solid - it's true that "thoughts become things," but you kind of have to meet the Universe/God/Whomever halfway and do the work yourself, too. I think that's what sets this book apart from books like "The Secret" (which reads like garbage, IMO, but to each their own). This is less about wishing and more about attitude - but let me tell you, once you get your mindset right, interesting things will start happening. Read with an open heart and an open mind - and trust!!





Three book set:
I like Florence's style of writing! Thanks for the share and reps added.

The three book set is much appreciated!
Asking to Re-Up the Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn which I think is a 4 book collection ...
But if someone can re-up the 3 book set please ... would be fantastic share!

re up please
Bump for this!!!
(07-11-2019 02:31 AM)taildive777 Wrote: [ -> ]Bump for this!!!

Here you go...
Magic Button :
Thank you, max reps added.
Any chance of three book set re upload, please
(07-12-2019 03:19 AM)chinnu Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance of three book set re upload, please

Every chance.

Magic Button :
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