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Full Version: [REQ} Instant Web Design Clients
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This is a +1
plus 1 as well.. anyone ??
yep look cool :)
The headline caught my attention but when I went through the sales page it does not look that good at all. A 15,000 word lead magnet on why they need a website, that is way too much, nobody is going to be bothered to read 15,000 words if they are a busy professional.

What would be better would be a short slideshow presentation with some facts about website traffic and the benefits of having a website etc

Then the landing page again is too wordy and needs to be more to the point. I am building a similar set up myself but the landing page and lead magnet will be niche specific, eg why dentists need a website and the lead magnet will be how to easily get 60 new patients this month, all based around having a website.
(07-06-2018 04:40 PM)Jonnymonic Wrote: [ -> ]The headline caught my attention but when I went through the sales page it does not look that good at all. A 15,000 word lead magnet on why they need a website, that is way too much, nobody is going to be bothered to read 15,000 words if they are a busy professional.

What would be better would be a short slideshow presentation with some facts about website traffic and the benefits of having a website etc

Then the landing page again is too wordy and needs to be more to the point. I am building a similar set up myself but the landing page and lead magnet will be niche specific, eg why dentists need a website and the lead magnet will be how to easily get 60 new patients this month, all based around having a website.

Your approach is very good and would definitely produce better result.
I also agree with Jonnymonic, the people that wants a website want to make money and fast tool. Not bore anyone with a lot of words. They want the direct point.
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