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Every child who performs these 50 fabulous feats will feel like a magician--but the magic here is really science at play. Every trick in the book has a sound, easy-to-understand scientific explanation that will stimulate kids' understanding of basic concepts. Even as they're having fun, children will wow the crowd by poking a skewer through a balloon without making it pop, or balancing a penny on a coat hanger. Nothing's cooler than watching a real egg get sucked into a glass bottle, picking up ice without even touching it, or whipping up fizzy and colorful solutions that any mad scientist would prize. Wild optical illusions will boggle the mind and astound the eye. Every exciting experiment is sure to appeal.

Thank you friend. Mice share
My little "amateur magician" will really like this! Reps added.
Thank you! I'll be spending the holiday weekend with my grandson, and I predict big fun in our future.
Thanks, I can't wait to show it to my little scientist.
re-up request

another re-up request for this one

re-up request

Thanks + Rep, StillStanding , for taking the time to share!
Thanks mate. Reps added.
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