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Full Version: [Get] EasySketchPro 3.0 (Make your own account)
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This is wonderful share! Thanks to all concerned in this.
Reps to alekxis88 for the original share, to f@ckgurus and Queen Net for the links
and to Layna for bringing me here from another thread and giving me the heads-up on this.

Great work guys (and girls).

Forgot to ask: Is anyone else having trouble getting the interactive function set-up?
Is it just a mistake on my end, or is that feature out-of-bounds to us?
@solar33: Thank you for your kind words ... I'm glad you made it over here.

As for your question: I hope someone else who has actually started using the product can help because (for now) I just downloaded the program and all the assets. I don't plan to jump in until a later time.

But I suggest you read the information on the site. It may be you need to UPGRADE to a paid level or service to access the interactive function you refer to.

Hopefully, someone else will take a moment to reply to you.

@john4k: It's the most frustrating thing to read posts like this one.

Link not working.

Which link?!

By the time you posted, there are several links on the thread. I really wanted to try and help you but ... where do you begin? Without knowing which link you tried and what error message you got, or which browser you're using or whether there's some add-on/extension in your browser that doesn't want to play nice with the site ... ughhhhh!!!!!

Help us to help YOU!

Thanks, Layna. I have been playing around with it for an hour or so today.
It's a great piece of kit, but I too will need to put it away and get back to what I was meant to be doing. I'm very easily distracted by these things.

I will give it a proper test-run at a later date and no doubt will find out what I need to do to get that interactive function.

Latest links allow me to create a Member account, however once inside it is just a Basic Account and ESP3.0 requires Pro.

In other words, I either messed up or it isn't free to get ESP3.0 anymore.

Thanks for sharing though everyone!
Queen net, is that your affiliate link?
Looks like the free version is no longer available as i signed up using the links provided and all I get is an option to purchase it for $17 or upgrade to pro and get it free.4sadsmile
Thanks guys, amazing share
Rep added
awesome, thanks repped
Yeah, deedee, the same thing happened to me. I was trying to get this again because I had to sign up all over again.

Is Paul planning to release a new version?
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