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Full Version: [GET] Invanto FREE "PRO" LIFETIME LICENSE of any ONE of the FIVE available apps
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Invanto is giving away free licenses;

"Get a FREE "PRO" LIFETIME LICENSE of any ONE of the FIVE available apps, when we launch. No strings attached. Every early subscriber gets a free license - guaranteed."

Reps are appreciated as always fam =)
Super thanks, I will wait for my subscription, repped
(06-22-2018 05:12 AM)Miguelrivas Wrote: [ -> ]Super thanks, I will wait for my subscription, repped

You're welcome! Thank you for the reps, they are much appreciated!
Thanks, I will wait for my subscription

max reps added
Thanks for this share. +Max Reps Added
Will there be a bundle of all apps and academy lifetime when launching?
This guy is the KING of abandoning old customers, business names and business models every few years so he can "reinvent" his business again. It's frustrating from a customer perspective. Free is cool, but be careful buying from Deep Arora and Invanto.
Thanks, very nice share..
(06-26-2018 05:45 AM)Lurking Wrote: [ -> ]This guy is the KING of abandoning old customers, business names and business models every few years so he can "reinvent" his business again. It's frustrating from a customer perspective. Free is cool, but be careful buying from Deep Arora and Invanto.

Just wanted to bump my own comment because Deep Arora just tried to screw over every single lifetime AppSumo buyer from last year's July and December deals because of misunderstandings with their monthly Briefcase contract. Fortunately, it looks like AppSumo stepped in with legal threats and they rescinded the ban on lifetime buyers and gave access back. careful with Deep Arora and Invanto. If you have the option to refund, take it. The platform has seen very few stability updates and it's still very buggy and slow according to AppSumo review. They're more interested in releasing new apps than stabilizing current ones.
I'd like to have this ...!
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