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Full Version: [F4LT] Learn the 2 steps in order to sell t-shirts without working
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Not [F4LT]???
Hmmm ... SOLD OUT within 10 minutes but with 0 students!

Thanks, Alekxis88... hope you will come across another FREE coupon soon.
Just checked and it is still free :-)
Free at the time of writing this comment.
I was the first student to be enrolled.
Yeah, it was coming up with $10.99 but is now FREE ... just enrolled! (((Alekxis88))), so glad I came back to this thread and saw your latest post. +5 reps added! Thanks
Thanks alekxis88, rep added.
Actually he's asking us to do the following 2 steps:
1. buy T-shirts in lots for low price (1 buck)
2. Go and make deals with many shopkeepers to sell them at $7, but pay you $3/4. The difference between 7 and what they pay you is their profit (that's their motivation to sell your T-shirts in their store.)

By step 2, you make profits without doing the actual work (according to the course maker). But you still have to buy T-shirts and "sell" your idea to many shopkeepers.
Nice idea for someone who's young (mentally young counts too...) and has energy/time to hustle and make it happen. ;)

Special thanks to alekxis88 for the coupon. This kid in the video me some confidence about hustling as a way of life. Confidence is not when we are having all the answers, but in trying out what might work and see where it might take us...
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