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Can anyone do a mirror link for this share? I tried uploading it to another file share site and after 43 percent, it just lagged. I believe my computer is running low on memory or something. Too much "stuff" ... I also caught a nasty bug by downloading something called Ultrasoft that tried to hijack my browsers. So I'm not sure something happened on my end to mess up a few of my most recent shares (uploaded between late June to early July 2018) but if, in fact, a few people are getting corrupt file messages, I'd like to help them as much as I can.

In particular, I've been trying to help suresh84 via PM. I don't want to let them down so please, as a favor to me, can someone upload this share to a mirror? I believe is the only other regular file share site that will accept a file this size (but most likely, I'm wrong about that).

If you cannot do an all-in-one, maybe you can break the file into parts and do 2 or 3 mirror links?

I just want everyone who really wants this to have it. I feel badly that suresh84 cannot download it.


UPDATE - JULY 5, 2018

Never mind. I went ahead and did it. I've posted alternate links in the OP.


UPDATE --- JULY 6, 2018

@suresh84: If (by chance) you've come back to this thread for any reason, please know that I am trying to reach you via PM but you've reached your limit. I have asked the forum moderator, Lala, to add space so I can send you this message:

I requested --- and my forum buddy i_Love_Knowledge was kind enough --- to add a mirror link to my share here:

So now, you can download Planner Publishing Profits! Earlier, I added alternate links for you at WRITING BOOKS - A Library of Books for Writers.

I believe this completes your request to me a few days ago due to issues you were having with my Mega links. You should now be able to enjoy both shares. So please get over to Planner Publishing Profits and get Knowledge's mirror ASAP. His is a Mediafire link, so there should be none of the drama you previously experienced earlier with my Mega link. But if I should be so bold, let me recommend you run a virus scan on your computer because no one else was having the issues you described in your PM.

As soon as Lala increases your PM capacity, I'll try sending my message again (to be sure you receive it).

I wish you the very best!

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