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Full Version: [ HINT ] Great method to avoid MediaFire and Zippyshare banner tabs....
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I just want to thank users for using Mediafire links. They work flawlessly [if you know the secret to bypass all of the fake / windows pages / see below].

The secret to using Mediafire is to RIGHT click the Orange download button after the page fully loads [don't be impatient], and select "Open link in new tab"....make sure your mouse is rock steady when right-clicking, or it won't work. this bypasses all of the fake windows and opens the file immediately for download.

Has been working like a charm for years, and if you close the download page [after it starts downloading], you can do this for dozens of mediafire links in a row....

PS: This trick also works on Zippshare links with a few variations see next:...., but first you must wait for the page to load, then use the down page button to go to the bottom of the page [all the way to the bottom], then go up to the top of the page using the up page button on your keyboard [yes, zippy wants to see that you viewed the entire page, top to bottom, i.e. sucker ads]. Then, once you're on the top of the page; LEFT click the download button. Yes.... It will open all sorts of fake windows, ignore them. Now, go back to the main zippyshare download page, and RIGHT click the download button [rock steady mouse], and select "open page in new window", your download should load immediately. Close all of the windows, as they're bullshit ad windows. If you don't do this in the right order as stated here, it won't work, so just follow the instructions...

Believe it or not, even though this method sounds is far faster than doing what everybody else is doing [i.e.: regular clicking on the download link], as you can get caught in an endless loop of fake windows that can take 3-5 minutes to sort out...this avoids the fake windows [as you just ignore the fake windows and close them out after the download has started]....

If you use these methods, this will save you hours and hours of wasted time waiting for Mediafire and Zippy links to give up their convoluted but precious downloads ...

The reason these methods work, is that both Mediafire and Zippyshare [mainly zippyshare] are in the business of showing you the maximum number of ads and bullshit fake ad links per session, you need to follow their minimum standards of loading the page and going from top to bottom, and doing the one-time regular left-click on the downloard button to load their fake windows [but you can ignore them] is the RIGHT click that is the timesaver, but you must follow these pre-instructions before you're allowed to do that with Zippyshare.
thanks badcoffee - any relief from those popups is always welcome
I just use Malwarebytes. Once it encounters a particular ad, it remembers it and then I don't get it again.
I use Jdownloader2 (free) - never even see any ads.
Thank you badcoffee for the information.
Thanks badcoffee and sjc999 !!!!! Max Sugar and Reps for your coffee !!!
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