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[Image: 2018-06-13_1140.png]


[Image: 2018-06-13_1205.png]


We've been handed a world that was created by others, shaped by their thoughts and actions, and told that this is the way things must be.

We've been given a set of rules that are at root only opinions of the majority, and have been told that these are objectively, morally correct, immutable truths.

We've been sat down to play a game that is rigged -- a game that, even if we win, gives us something other than what we believed we would receive in victory.

And if we don't begin to consciously question the rules of our world and to look closely at the game we're unwittingly playing, then we will never get what we want.

It's time to look. Assess. Investigate. Choose. And, where appropriate, to disobey.

This essay follows the author's path from a life of "good kid" conformity in youth to his present-day decisions to start his own business, "unschool" his children, and to give up on what is not working. It's his manifesto of freedom and of conscious choice, and it can be yours, too.

If life is not what you wanted or expected it to be, this essay will help you to become more. To question norms. To disobey.

Magic Button :

File name: Disobey (Epic series Book 3).pdf
File size: 237.38 KB
Detection ratio: 0 / 59
Analysis date: 2018-06-13 19:10:35 UTC

LAYNA'S POV: This little read serves to jolt you to your senses if you believe that blind conformity is safe and normal. On the other hand, the author glosses over the very real consequences of non-conformity on a larger scale. The world we live in, due to the systems in place, can make one's life a living hell for people who decide to "go rogue" or disobey. I don't know if they will come for his kid and put him in foster care for "child neglect" (the system's words; not mine) because he isn't affording his child an education. And what happens to the boy IF/WHEN he decides he wants to enroll in college? He'll then need to go the GED route to make up for the lost years.

Don't get me wrong. I fully understand where Truant is coming from and I have always been the non-conformer growing up ... a kind of rebel without a cause. Yet, the closest I'd come to "disobeying" at my current stage of life would be to be to become an ex-patriot, live off the grid or "disappear." Many of us simply can't do those things due to family obligations, etc. If this book does nothing else, it is a good conversation starter.

It serves to show you that you don't get any gold stars or the keys to the heavenly kingdom for blindly obeying the rules (opinions) others (mainly lawmakers) assert as TRUTH.

On the other hand, if you don't ...

Then there are usually consequences. You've got to weigh the cost of non-conformity with the very real consequences; particularly if your actions indirectly affect other people; such as Truant's actions will impact his son's future.


If you're not easily offended by Johnny B. Truant's colorful language, I just so happen to have some links to a few more of his reads...if you're interested.

Two of these are available from a popular e-book download site; I personally own the last one, so I uploaded it to a file server for you.

Here they are:

Write * Publish * Repeat
[Image: 2018-06-13_1136.png]

Magic Button :
http://{{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}.xyz/book/2325393/f49446

You Are Dying and Your World Is A Lie

[Image: 2018-06-13_1138.png]

Magic Button :
http://{{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}.xyz/book/1802904/bc4fb2

The Universe Doesn't Give A Flying F*ck About You
[Image: 2018-06-13_1139.png]

Magic Button :

LAYNA'S NOTE: I am providing the VT scan only for books I personally uploaded to a file share server for you. The others are available directly from the e-book download site linked to in the MAGIC BUTTON. If you decide to download, then you can do your own scan either locally or using I don't want to download extras I don't plan to use to my computer.

File name: The Universe Doesn_t Give a Flying F*** About You.pdf
File size: 386.03 KB
Detection ratio: 0 / 59
Analysis date: 2018-06-13 18:52:21 UTC

If you're seeing this post anywhere other than or
being shared by anyone other than Layna61524, then that's where/who

That's it.

Enjoy the share.

for reading!
Thanks for the great share!!
PS Reps to U
thank you Layna, repped
Nice share here! Great collection :D
Thank you Layna! +REP added
Thank you Layna, max rep added for your very useful share
Thanks for sharing Layna. Repped as always....
Nice and interesting eBook selection. Thank you Layna.
Hi Layna,

Excellent shares once again what an asset you are, Reps Added

Perfect 10
You guys and gals really know how to stroke my ego, don't you? Hahaaa!!! 26kiss

Thank you all for the kind comments and I'm only thrilled that you like my share.

I started not to share the Johnny B. Truant title The Universe Doesn't Give a Flying F*ck About You because I could have sworn I had already seen it shared here before. Then I checked ... double-checked ... and couldn't find it.

Strange how posts and threads just up-and-disappear without any warning or explanation, huh?

I say all that as a warning. For whatever reason the title was snatched off the public forum before, it may be taken off again. Since I don't know why, all I can suggest is that you download this share now, while it lasts.

Anyway, thanks again for all the support. I aim to please.

Nice share. Thanks. Reps Added.
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