Local Business Owners Love Having Their Businesses Look Professional and Would LOVE Having Their Own Commercial
But Sadly This Is Usually Beyond Their Advertising Budget
Local commercials vol 1,2
Website Commercial vol 1,2,3
DL: [hide]https://mega.nz/#!kvYkzCqR!Vz2f8gDhRnbym3R7S-7fpXIo4W2-4_u-iU_GGEZCLTY[/hide]
Reps+ are welcome!
Awesome shares. Reps added.
Thank you
Thanks a lot xdabloggers, excellent share..rep added as well.
Honestly xdabloggers! You have no idea just how perfect your timing was for this.
I was about to create another video from scratch for a roofer and was sitting here wondering which software to use this time....
...then this shows up. Loads of time saved!
Brilliant! Thanks and reps to you.
Enjoy ;)
(06-14-2018 05:31 AM)MagicMan Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for these, +5!
No problem brother, i am glad that i was able to help you!
Enjoy ;)
(06-14-2018 05:43 AM)solar33 Wrote: [ -> ]Honestly xdabloggers! You have no idea just how perfect your timing was for this.
I was about to create another video from scratch for a roofer and was sitting here wondering which software to use this time....
...then this shows up. Loads of time saved!
Brilliant! Thanks and reps to you.