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Cancer treatment has enjoyed half a century of healthy development, relying mainly on surgery, cytotoxic therapy and radiation. Achievements and successes are well reflected in the longer survival period and better quality of life. Nonetheless, cancer still spreads locally, recurs, metastasizes and remains one of the top killers. Instead of concentrating on cancer removal, it has become obvious that supportive measures are also important. These include the means to improve quality of life during treatment and to contain tumor growth. To this end, herbal medicine appears to offer holistic support via as yet unknown pathways. This volume reveals the practice of cancer treatment using herbs from all over the world, including China, India and Japan. It provides comprehensive information about the herbs commonly used, the logic of using the herbs, some of the mechanisms of action and other means of palliative treatment. While cancer victims have a thirst for choosing their own supplementary treatment, health providers have a duty to explain to them the justifications and the options.

Max reps for you dude!
thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you, good share, reped
Thank you very much, very useful, repped
re-up request

I appreciate the re-up and doing it so quickly, reps added.
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Check out fenbendazol its a dog dewormer
Sounds like the perfect book for me - I'm never satisfied with a simple recommendation - always have to know "why" and "how" things work. (Drove my teachers crazy.) Thanks for the re-up.
Pages: 1 2
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