Thanks mate for share! Solidfiles still works!!
Thx shermanbir..........nice share :)

for share. +Max Reps Added
anyone else got a link besides the host mentioned in post 14
seems to be having a slite error downloading from solid files
Nancy857, thanks for the share, +5 reps :)
Few could go into the inner details like Edgar Cayce could, most of the time he wouldn't declare something as much as describe it so we could work it out individually.
Like knowing your self to be your self and yet one with the whole.
Such as in order to know God you'll have to learn to know your self. That's a pretty tantalizing clue.
Reading the Aquarian Gospel helps too, it can be direct without giving out the inner details. Knowing how Jesus thought, his inner thoughts and how he responded to conditions.
Combining Edgar Cayce, The Bible, The Aquarian Gospel, Neville Goddard, Imagery and Symbolism you'll get pretty close to the TRUTH.
The next step is to experience it first hand.