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Full Version: [REQ] Ken McCarthy - System Seminar
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This is what BEN SETTLE is writting about this seminar:

I’m not a fanboy of a lot of people.

But, one marketer I’m an unrepentant fanboy of is Sean D’Souza. Sean is (IMHBAO) the most underrated marketing mind on the planet.


Okay, how ‘bout these mangoes:

Many moons ago (2008) Sean gave a presentation at Ken McCarthy’s System Seminar that completely revolutionized the way I do business. I remember hearing guys who do millions per year in absolute awe at Sean’s methodology for (1) creating a funnel based on how people *like* to buy (used by Apple, Amazon, centuries-old martial arts schools, the Catholic Church, and every restaurant you’ve ever been to) and (2) pricing his products so people feel very comfortable buying.

This info is invaluable.

And, I use his stuff all the time.

It's pretty much what liberated me from being chained to my desk and only having to work a 10 minutes per day or so.

Anyway, it’s easily one of my top 10 marketing trainings.

Yet, hardly anyone knows about it.

In fact, if you asked 1000 marketers if they’ve heard it, I doubt more than 4 or 5 would know what you’re talking about. And, unless you were there or have the CD’s of that particular System Seminar well, good luck finding it.

Anyone has this?
This may or may not be the transcript from that seminar BUT it is about the topic of consumption from Sean D'Souza
Seems to be really RARE and hard to get... would love to get it!
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