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Full Version: [req] Ace the Game by vin clancy
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Hey bbhf'fers,

Vin Clancy is doing a push on his facebook for his new book, ace the game.
Looks quite good.

Here's some of the stuff he's posting on FB about it.
Quote:?? 6 Trends to make money from right now: ??

1. Crypto bro’s and older businessman who want to be famous on Instagram

2. Cannabis businesses who need buyers you can find cheaply on weed meme pages and reddit

3. Target people who run shopify businesses with Facebook ads: start making them money from their email lists, affiliating other products, etc

4. Learn how to grow a twitch account, set up hot girls with time on their hands to start playing, split profits

5. Become THE expert on Amazon ads. No one has this title yet.

6. Teach companies how they can increase their basket size by creating clickfunnels with multiple upsells; if they’re on shopify install carthooks for them to do this, little known plugin that does the same

And if you’re wondering how to get leads so that you can do all of the above?

I think you know I'm gonna say "Get Ace The Game for $97" (lol) for EVERY part of getting leads, generating traffic, getting customers from social media, and converting them on your landing page.

But seriously, if you want to expand any of the above, shout below, and I'll give you more info on how you can get into the above HOT spaces.

Please share if you have it. Going through a dry patch right now and this looks just the thing how to turn profit in a short time.

Bump for this
Sounds good. Would settle for just the ebook...
bump (GB Possible?)
looks interesting
Bump for this one!
bump for this one. its on product hunt too. looks good with lots of bonuses.
another bump
saw his full video with some good advice - really interesting
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