Everybody likes FREE! And what better way to suck in TARGETED prospects like a turbo-charged vacuum cleaner on steroids than to give away VALUABLE INFORMATION for FREE?!
In How Giving Away Free Information Can Effortlessly Double or Triple Your Sales in the Next 90 Days you learn exactly how to do that ... in a quick-reading (48 page) e-book from the master copywriter/marketer Dan Kennedy ... and Everte Farnell.
Now, this was my first time ever hearing of this guy so I did a little research and here is a visual:
And we all know who Dan S. Kennedy is and what he looks like:
But back to Farnell ...
Here is one of his sites where you can opt-in to learn how to double your sales in 12 months or less:
Come to find out, Everte Farnell is a business philosopher, speaker, syndicated writer, and consultant. You can also go to TampaBaySe.com to claim a free CD to help change your business philosophy so you can achieve greater results in your professional life.
As a bonus, just for stopping by to read my share today, I am including for you an even quicker-reading (3 page) document Mr. Farnell authored called For The Love of Money!
But I digress ...
The main share (including the bonus Everte Farnell document) contains these two Dan S. Kennedy e-books - How Giving Away Free Information Can Effortlessly Double or Triple Your Sales in the Next 90 DaysandNo B.S. Guide to Trust-Based Marketing.
You stand to "clean up" profit-wise when you get (and maintain) the TRUST of your target market. Dan S. Kennedy shows you how creative marketing and positioning can help you to gain the trust of your market ... and gain the winning edge in your bottom line and bank account!
This book covers:
• 8 ways to demonstrate trustworthiness to prospective clients
• The #1 secret desire of today’s untrusting prospects—how to understand it, respond to it, and use it to transform marketing, prospecting, and presentations
• How to avoid dumb mistakes that scream “salesman” to prospects
• Why “Where can I find clients?” is the wrong question. The right question is: How can I construct a business persona and life so that clients seek me out, with trust in place in advance?
• How to keep products, services and prospects away from the avalanche of competitive and confusing information online
• The incorrect assumption that trust is built by imparting information and knowledge and a breakthrough technique to replace this mistake
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If you're seeing this post anywhere other than bestblackhatforum.com or
being shared by anyone other than Layna61524, then that's where/who
Everybody likes FREE! And what better way to suck in TARGETED prospects like a turbo-charged vacuum cleaner on steroids than to give away VALUABLE INFORMATION for FREE?!
In How Giving Away Free Information Can Effortlessly Double or Triple Your Sales in the Next 90 Days you learn exactly how to do that ... in a quick-reading (48 page) e-book from the master copywriter/marketer Dan Kennedy ... and Everte Farnell.
Now, this was my first time ever hearing of this guy so I did a little research and here is a visual:
And we all know who Dan S. Kennedy is and what he looks like:
But back to Farnell ...
Here is one of his sites where you can opt-in to learn how to double your sales in 12 months or less:
Come to find out, Everte Farnell is a business philosopher, speaker, syndicated writer, and consultant. You can also go to TampaBaySe.com to claim a free CD to help change your business philosophy so you can achieve greater results in your professional life.
As a bonus, just for stopping by to read my share today, I am including for you an even quicker-reading (3 page) document Mr. Farnell authored called For The Love of Money!
But I digress ...
The main share (including the bonus Everte Farnell document) contains these two Dan S. Kennedy e-books - How Giving Away Free Information Can Effortlessly Double or Triple Your Sales in the Next 90 DaysandNo B.S. Guide to Trust-Based Marketing.
You stand to "clean up" profit-wise when you get (and maintain) the TRUST of your target market. Dan S. Kennedy shows you how creative marketing and positioning can help you to gain the trust of your market ... and gain the winning edge in your bottom line and bank account!
This book covers:
• 8 ways to demonstrate trustworthiness to prospective clients
• The #1 secret desire of today’s untrusting prospects—how to understand it, respond to it, and use it to transform marketing, prospecting, and presentations
• How to avoid dumb mistakes that scream “salesman” to prospects
• Why “Where can I find clients?” is the wrong question. The right question is: How can I construct a business persona and life so that clients seek me out, with trust in place in advance?
• How to keep products, services and prospects away from the avalanche of competitive and confusing information online
• The incorrect assumption that trust is built by imparting information and knowledge and a breakthrough technique to replace this mistake
Magic Button :
Ge.tt Link:
Mediafire Link:
If you're seeing this post anywhere other than bestblackhatforum.com or
being shared by anyone other than Layna61524, then that's where/who
Enjoy the share!
for liking my shares!
Thanks @layna61524 thanks very much for the share. I am a big DK fan. Reps given.
Everybody likes FREE! And what better way to suck in TARGETED prospects like a turbo-charged vacuum cleaner on steroids than to give away VALUABLE INFORMATION for FREE?!
In How Giving Away Free Information Can Effortlessly Double or Triple Your Sales in the Next 90 Days you learn exactly how to do that ... in a quick-reading (48 page) e-book from the master copywriter/marketer Dan Kennedy ... and Everte Farnell.
Now, this was my first time ever hearing of this guy so I did a little research and here is a visual:
And we all know who Dan S. Kennedy is and what he looks like:
But back to Farnell ...
Here is one of his sites where you can opt-in to learn how to double your sales in 12 months or less:
Come to find out, Everte Farnell is a business philosopher, speaker, syndicated writer, and consultant. You can also go to TampaBaySe.com to claim a free CD to help change your business philosophy so you can achieve greater results in your professional life.
As a bonus, just for stopping by to read my share today, I am including for you an even quicker-reading (3 page) document Mr. Farnell authored called For The Love of Money!
But I digress ...
The main share (including the bonus Everte Farnell document) contains these two Dan S. Kennedy e-books - How Giving Away Free Information Can Effortlessly Double or Triple Your Sales in the Next 90 DaysandNo B.S. Guide to Trust-Based Marketing.
You stand to "clean up" profit-wise when you get (and maintain) the TRUST of your target market. Dan S. Kennedy shows you how creative marketing and positioning can help you to gain the trust of your market ... and gain the winning edge in your bottom line and bank account!
This book covers:
• 8 ways to demonstrate trustworthiness to prospective clients
• The #1 secret desire of today’s untrusting prospects—how to understand it, respond to it, and use it to transform marketing, prospecting, and presentations
• How to avoid dumb mistakes that scream “salesman” to prospects
• Why “Where can I find clients?” is the wrong question. The right question is: How can I construct a business persona and life so that clients seek me out, with trust in place in advance?
• How to keep products, services and prospects away from the avalanche of competitive and confusing information online
• The incorrect assumption that trust is built by imparting information and knowledge and a breakthrough technique to replace this mistake
Magic Button :
Ge.tt Link:
Mediafire Link:
If you're seeing this post anywhere other than bestblackhatforum.com or
being shared by anyone other than Layna61524, then that's where/who
Enjoy the share!
for liking my shares!
Thanks @layna61524 thanks very much for the share. I am a big DK fan. Reps given.