Thanks for the share,
Just a question ! As the plugin is nulled. Even if you'll give updates when it comes for updating.
How to keep all your credentials safe, i think about amazon links... and if someone use the software in another language, does he start changing again ? Or everything stay safe ?
Thank you for answer
(06-08-2018 08:58 PM)john010 Wrote: [ -> ]How to keep all your credentials safe, i think about amazon links.
Contrary to what you may initially think, using the nulled version of the plugin is actually
far safer for you than buying from the developer. Here's why.
With the purchased developer's version, it sends data back to the developer's server - at the very minimum they have your site details. They could also possibly get a lot more data if they want to.
With the nulled version, all the callbacks have been removed / neutralised - so all your data stays on your site.
If you want to be 1000% certain, you can use a free plugin called WP Snitch to
totally block this (and any of your other plugins!) from calling home.
WP Snitch is also useful as it shows you how often your other plugins are calling home.
More info and plugin download here:
HTH ;-)
Good info for the community
awesome share thanks reps added
Thanx Kirstie your enthusiasm is appreciated.
I wish I could adopt your attitude to help. It
will definitely take you places. Repped.

kristie, +reps
Great thread and thank you Kirstie for the very useful info on Snitch ;)
Fantastic Share Kristie! Thanks!!! +5 Reps Added For You!
What a wealth of info, a great tool, and honesty too. Well done!
+5 reps to Kirstie for the tip about Snitch!