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Full Version: [GET] Never Fear Cancer Again: How to Prevent and Reverse Cancer
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Most cancer research dollars have been wasted by asking the wrong questions, looking in the wrong places, and recycling the same failed approaches while expecting different results. Conventional cancer treatments damage health, cause new cancers, lower the quality of life, and decrease the chances of survival. In fact, most people who die from cancer are not dying from cancer, but from their treatments!

That's the bad news. Here's the good news: We can end the cancer epidemic. In Never Fear Cancer Again, readers will gain a revolutionary new understanding of health and disease and will come to understand that cancer is a biological process that can be turned on and off, not something that can be surgically removed or destroyed with radiation or toxic chemicals. So whether cancer has already been diagnosed or if prevention is the concern, it is possible to turn off the wayward production of these malfunctioning cells once and for all by reading this book and implementing its strategies.

The key to any disease has one simple cause: malfunctioning cells that are created by either deficiency or toxicity. By switching off the malfunctioning cells, you switch off the cancer. Never Fear Cancer Again guides readers along six pathways that cause deficiency or toxicity at the cellular level: nutritional path, genetic path, medical path, toxin path, physical path, and the psychological path. By making key lifestyle changes, people truly have the power to take control of cancer and transform their health. This radically different, yet holistic approach restored author Raymond Francis back to health just as it has helped thousands of others, many of whom were told they had no other options or that their cancer was incurable. Take back your health with this book and never fear cancer again.

Thank you. reps added.
I hope so!

Have you this:
Reps added SS for another outstanding health share!
(06-06-2018 03:24 AM)berlinerin Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you. reps added.
I hope so!

Have you this:

Yep, I got it.

Thank you StillStanding for the outstanding cancer share, repped
thank you + reps
Thank you, StillStanding. I have a feeling this could come in handy.
Thanks mate. Repped you!
Super thanks, excellent, reps
re-up request

Pages: 1 2
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