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"This is a powerful book--Tiny is mighty. Sharon Rowe's simple shift in thinking is a profound idea, precisely what we need to hear."
-Seth Godin, Author Linchpin

Too many of us feel trapped by work that keeps us from living our purpose. We fantasize about starting our own business, yet we're warned against falling into debt, working eighty hours a week, and coping with the pressure to grow. Eco-Bags Products founder Sharon Rowe says there's another way: go tiny.

Like a tiny house, a tiny business is built on maintaining a laser focus on what is essential by living an intentional life. As an entrepreneur and mother, Rowe is most concerned with putting family first, maintaining financial security, and doing something that makes an impact in the world. Using the success story of Eco-Bags Products, Rowe distills the step-by-step process of building a profitable, right-scaled, sustainable venture that doesn't compromise your values. She shows you how to test your concept, manage your money and priorities, and more, while staying true to the "tiny" ethos.

Excellent, super thanks, repped.
Thanks for this!
thanks for this rep+5
re-up request

Thank you Stillstanding. Max reps added .. But Zippyshare sucks .. so many pop ups with malware. It'd be better if you switch to mediafire or other platform with no dangerous popups
Many thanks and reps StillStanding

@sikandar I use jDownloader dont see any pops or other nonesense
Thanks *StillStanding* for sharing, Reps for both your OP and Re-Up.
Excellent, thanks a lot, repped
Pages: 1 2
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