Every dog owner should download this! Max reps added.
Thanks SS. Always looking out for our health and now our beloved dogs!
My dogs eat better food than I do most of the time. Anyone who feeds there dog the crap most dog food manufacturers make doesn't understand the harm they are doing.
The best dog foods usually contain just fish and vegetables or raw meat (decent quality not scraps you won't eat) dogs can't digest bread and will struggle with most cereals potato and sweet potato (yams I guess as well) are much better when combined with other stuff.
If your purchased dog food is coloured it's been added to appeal to you not your dog if anyone can share this would like a read as would like to create some blog posts and video's about this stuff.
(01-07-2020 08:47 AM)solrac Wrote: [ -> ]reup please
Here you go, only seven months later after your request.:)
Thanks Stillstanding for these books. Max rep added