Should be a very interesting read, thanks for the share.
Very curious to see what kind of info is in this book! Reps added
Yeah, Riiiiiiiiiiiight....
I'm sure the Earth is Flat people will be all on board with this nonsense.
Funny how everyone believes the scientists (who are of course all above reproach, rolling my eyes) with regard to so-called man-made global warming, but landing men on the moon, nah, THOSE scientists lied. (for those of you who are old enough to remember growing up in the 80's, we were told (lied to) by the scientists who were "ALL" predicting a new ICE AGE was coming and we had to do something NOW....I guess the action was to find another BS story to get more gov't money to "Study", aka: get rich on, and that was the BS of man-made global warming....thanks Al Gore....oh yeah, and he made a fortune off it as well)
I guess the International Space Station is also a hoax, probably really located somewhere in the desert near Las Vegas (since they have to be let out for some fun with all that daily lying, and phony science experiments they don't actually perform and all....).
Still gave +5 Reps for the effort, thanks!
Always good to hear from some LUNAtics every now and then, which reminds me I have to get more aluminum foil to make more hats!!!
Remember the great, big, unrepairable hole in the ozone layer? Whatever happened to that?

It was not necessary to write such an attacking screed against
fingers -- a fellow VIP -- who did nothing but try to voice an opinion.
You don't have to believe in a flat earth or wear tin-foil hats to legitimately question the U.S. government deliberately lying to the American people. It has been caught too many times.
Yes, Gore made money off his global warming lies.
And Cheney and his group made money off the war in Iraq we were lied into.
ALL career politicians do it . . . so why wouldn't one naturally be skeptical?
(06-01-2018 01:09 PM)mthomas Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, Riiiiiiiiiiiight....
I'm sure the Earth is Flat people will be all on board with this nonsense.
Funny how everyone believes the scientists (who are of course all above reproach, rolling my eyes) with regard to so-called man-made global warming, but landing men on the moon, nah, THOSE scientists lied. (for those of you who are old enough to remember growing up in the 80's, we were told (lied to) by the scientists who were "ALL" predicting a new ICE AGE was coming and we had to do something NOW....I guess the action was to find another BS story to get more gov't money to "Study", aka: get rich on, and that was the BS of man-made global warming....thanks Al Gore....oh yeah, and he made a fortune off it as well)
I guess the International Space Station is also a hoax, probably really located somewhere in the desert near Las Vegas (since they have to be let out for some fun with all that daily lying, and phony science experiments they don't actually perform and all....).
Still gave +5 Reps for the effort, thanks!
Always good to hear from some LUNAtics every now and then, which reminds me I have to get more aluminum foil to make more hats!!!