The Method:
The process is pretty simple - you write your book (which I will cover below), then you upload your book. You can upload 3 different books at a time. If your book is selected, they will pay you 60 bucks for each book. in the hopes you get picked and paif $60 per submission.
About Writing:
The key to making this profitable is to get a story finished as quickly as possible. This means spending as little amount of time on the story before moving on to the next one. Luckily, since the site only takes 500 to 1000 word books, this isn’t difficult. Your goal should be 15 minutes or less per book, which means 4 books an hour.
I know, that’s intense. (You can pick up my complete writing course on these 500 word books here. I go into a few details below though)
Who can write decent books that fast?? Thank god for an upsell!
Wait...There's More!
Most authors fail to get accepted because they fail in these ways:
1. They don’t pay attention to the Hard Sells section of the site.
2. They try to be overly creative.
3. Their book sucks. (No editing, poor story flow)
4. They fail the submission requirements.
Sadly, this has produced a
90%+ rejection rate. I’m not going to
lie about that.
WTF? Seriously? Why bother?
Author proceeds to post an example of a past story they wrote. Using this template:
Here is the template:
1. Hero is in their world.
2. A call to action happens.
3. They encounter conflict
4. Conflict is resolved.
Finally, when you're rejected, try submitting here:
Flash Reads
- Pays 50 bucks if accepted
- Pays 25 if not exclusive (Great if you are publishing
elsewhere, more money to be made!)
- 5 minute read ideal
Bards and Sages
- Primarily sci-fi and fantasy
- Payment sucks at 10 bucks, but hey, it’s better than nothing
- 500 words or less
- Big on “hard hitting” and “fast reads”
- Any genre
- A bit cheap at .02 per word, but...they seem to accept more
stories than others