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Full Version: [GET]THINK and GROW RICH: The Legacy (2017)
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credit - cyrusgreat

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Have not seen this yet boy ANYTHING Think and Grow Rich is evergreen GOLD.

Thank you very much. I read the book, and it's very motivating and useful.
What are your thoughts on this on N. Hill:

Magic Button :
(05-29-2018 05:33 PM)manythanks Wrote: [ -> ]What are your thoughts on this on N. Hill:

Magic Button :

For many years (for whatever reason - I am at a loss to understand....) there have been many people who've been TAGR deniers. Saying that they're doing it as a public service or journalistic pursuit may have some credence, but that's usually less the reason than just trying to make a name for themselves and get some followers themselves.

I know it is popular to even advertise on G00gle: "ABC Youtube system [SCAM]...etc." just to get people to click.

The thing is, even if Napolean Hill made up his treatise from "whole cloth" - as the saying used to go - it is impossible to deny the positive impact, AND TRUTH of the principles he espoused. Thousands of incredibly rich people refer to TAGR's principles as the key to their success.

I believe the link that 'manythanks' kindly provided does lead to information that has more truth in it than not.

Doesn't matter to me one iota. My success in life has been made in large part due to the principles I inducted from Napolean Hill. I was homeless, living in an unheated garage in a Denver winter, read the book cover to cover multiple times and owned a house within 2 years. TAGR gave me the vision and necessary principles to succeed. Not the 4 year college that I had attended years before....

I'm sure I'm not alone in my opinion.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” - Henry Ford
It's all about your belief, isn't it?
The facts about Napoleon Hill are controversial, however, IMHO, he was truly good at inspirational storytelling.
Great share. Any mirror links (as the original has already been taken down)? :)
(05-30-2018 11:37 AM)AbeLincolnBart Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-29-2018 05:33 PM)manythanks Wrote: [ -> ]What are your thoughts on this on N. Hill:

Magic Button :

For many years (for whatever reason - I am at a loss to understand....) there have been many people who've been TAGR deniers. Saying that they're doing it as a public service or journalistic pursuit may have some credence, but that's usually less the reason than just trying to make a name for themselves and get some followers themselves.

I know it is popular to even advertise on G00gle: "ABC Youtube system [SCAM]...etc." just to get people to click.

The thing is, even if Napolean Hill made up his treatise from "whole cloth" - as the saying used to go - it is impossible to deny the positive impact, AND TRUTH of the principles he espoused. Thousands of incredibly rich people refer to TAGR's principles as the key to their success.

I believe the link that 'manythanks' kindly provided does lead to information that has more truth in it than not.

Doesn't matter to me one iota. My success in life has been made in large part due to the principles I inducted from Napolean Hill. I was homeless, living in an unheated garage in a Denver winter, read the book cover to cover multiple times and owned a house within 2 years. TAGR gave me the vision and necessary principles to succeed. Not the 4 year college that I had attended years before....

I'm sure I'm not alone in my opinion.


Thank you for sharing this! really inspiring! This book has also helped me a lot to take on my personal projects with a better attitude!

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...any chance of a re-up?
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