Thank you for this! helped!
what would be the port on this? Can I use this without having an authenticated account from each and every one of them?
I can setup smtp server using linux vps for a cheap price.If you have a desktop mailer you can mass email with no hour limit with my setup.My setup can inbox also Craigslist addresses and other email providers.
Some feedbacks:
I will give also a free desktop mailer and tutorial how to email in mass.
Skype: ihatecaptcha
Email: kidomidos(at)
Note to all reading this thread - I have more than one client who has come to me because ihatecaptcha didn't setup his stuff right.
ive been on the hospital for almost 10 months, i did not come online for a long time.Some of my clients i miss out.
And some clients are not reading on my tutorial, they just blast emails right away.
Ive been on this business for a long time and check out my reputation on BHW.
Yeah, check out your reputation HERE where you're spamming the same shit on every thread