05-21-2018, 12:52 PM
![[Image: immune-helath-transcript-plus-vitamin.jpg]](http://www.renegadehealth.com/immunity/images/immune-helath-transcript-plus-vitamin.jpg)
In this program you'll discover...
- Misdiagnosed! Why many MDs and natural practitioners overlook the most common cause of illness and treat only part of the problem.
- Toss away those medical textbooks. Find out how the immune system really works and why your doctor may not have a clue.
- The old school doesn't work. Learn the new school of immune thought and you'll understand why people are still getting sick - everyone is still teaching old news.
- Are you destined to be sick at birth? Discover how your immunity can be determined at birth and what to do to help change your health destiny.
- An immune system 5 alarm fire! Find out the one thing that above all others can totally wreck your immune system and leave you sick all the time.
- A Toxic Mess. Learn how toxic chemicals mimic your hormones and wreak havoc on your immune system - plus, what you can do to stop this.
- Inflammation be gone. Dr. Williams shares one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatory supplements available.
- How to treat colds, flus, and herpes... the things you were always told were just facts of life!
- Flu Season is every season... find out why there’s a specific cold and flu season - and why that’s changing over time.
- A simple solution to complex health issues. Find out what could be causing your asthma/allergies, obesity, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, osteoporosis, and more!
- Healthy immune system, younger body. Discover how to look years younger by using these techniques to boost your immune system.
- What to eat for awesome immune health. Learn the best way to “feed” our immune systems
- Cancer? Diabetes? Find out the key biological role players to chronic disease, including the cellular deficiency that can lead to cancer, autoimmunity, and diabetes
- How to generate healthy cells (instead of diseased ones.)
- Take back the control. The one factor of your immunity you have 100% control over... (it’s easier than you think!)
- The 10 key steps to fixing your immune system! Discover the diet, supplements, tests, and common sense that can keep you healthier than you ever thought you could be!.
- And much more...