Create wonderful and magical videos with Adobe Premiere Pro CC within 3 hours.
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Direct download 2,2 GB
Thanks berlinerin for your generosity, but I don't think this is the right section do to it. There must be a section for sharing content, but not here in the "Udemy 100% FREE for LIMITED TIME". For example, the coupon in this thread is sold out. You are bumping a thread with no working coupon, and that's not good.
I hope you understand. I'm not a mod. They could be less soft than me.
[quote='SteB81' pid='2491693' dateline='1530951869']
Thanks berlinerin for your generosity, but I don't think this is the right section do to it. There must be a section for sharing content, but not here in the "Udemy 100% FREE for LIMITED TIME". For example, the coupon in this thread is sold out. You are bumping a thread with no working coupon, and that's not good.
I hope you understand. I'm not a mod. They could be less soft than me.
Oh ok. I thought especially if a course is sold out, to give here the direct downloads, so that they can download the wanted course at least.
But you are right, the thread ist bumping. Thats true. Thx.
Any new coupon please? :/