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Full Version: How i made my first 500$ from the 0 with CPA Network
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Hello guys,
want to tell you about my first tyr to make moey with link locker of Mgcash Media or how i made 500$ from the zero.
The idea was to download one very popular American show, put it on my site and lock it with link locker.
Here are the steps i made:
- Made registration at Mgcash Media
- Found program that allowed me to download episodes for free
- Made a free blod at
- Made free social pages at Fb and Twitter
That is all!

I saw the announcement of the show and made all that thing beforehand. This helped me to get good names of my social pages. Every time after the episode was aired i downloaded it, put it to the file-sharing service, got the link of it and locked it with Mgcash locker, made post on blogger with locked link. Every time someone wanted to download the episode they saw some offer, they completed it and only after that were able to get their series. And i got my money. I also promoted my blog at my social pages (by myself, everything for free) .That is all!

Right now i do not make this anymore but it was amazing experience. hope this will help someone to make some earnings :) If yes it would be cool if you will be my ref by this link
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