(05-07-2018 02:28 PM)show Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you DandyRandy for the share and Amaire for the mirror.
Max +++++ reps to both of you.
Would be great if someone could share the 50 leads:
I'm pretty sure the 50 leads are custom to the person - don't think they have a list of 50 leads they're giving to everyone that picks up that OTO.
There's actually a lot of good info in here. PROBLEM is that Kenny can't seem to figure out if this course is supposed to be about mindset, business philosophy, or an actual "how-to" re selling the Google Reviews document. He intertwines it all, and as a result, the message ends up being really jumbled, IMO.
For instance, the video on recurring revenue is what - 90 mins long? And he doesn't even *begin* to discuss the back-end of selling a business the Google Reviews doc until at least halfway through the video. Even then, he doesn't really tell you what you're supposed to do?
Yeah, you sell a business the google reviews doc, giving them a free month of your reviews getting service with it. Then, they either stay on with your service or they don't. Makes sense.
Except just WHAT are you supposed to provide with that service? How do you get them more reviews?
He *does* put one thing out there, and that's that he supposedly has a tool that he can hook the business up with - think he mentioned that he'd even install it on the business' computer system? That when they get a new customer, they input the customer's name and phone number, and then the system automatically texts the new customer asking them for a review.
BTW - he has a follow-up Q&A webinar tomorrow (Wednesday, May 9th) and I'm guessing he's probably gonna pitch that tool on it
That was it, though. Kinda dissatisfying, IMO.
Though I don't think coming up with a way to do this on your own would be that tough.
For instance, you could probably set up a google sheet for the business you both have access to. Have them input a new customer's name, email, and mobile number.
You could then import the mobile into something like Textedly to text them later for a review. You could import the email address into an autoresponder to do the same thing.
Only make it not just for google reviews, but FB, too.
Then maybe try to get the business owner on board with some kinda monthly giveaway drawing to everyone who has left a review - then you can text/email them weekly with a prompt to leave a review to get in on the giveaway.
Wouldn't be that hard and would likely be worth the customer keeping paying you.
Anyway...just thinking out loud. Kenny coulda used more follow-up, IMO.
Like I said - the product had good info. It was just kinda scattered and (IMO) a bit incomplete.