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Full Version: [REQ] Science Fiction Super Hero
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Pages: 1 2
Quote:5.15 Million Science Fiction Books
Sold in the United States in 2017
The Best-Selling Science Fiction Book
on Amazon Is Ranked #48 in Paid Books,
Selling 1788 Copies Per Day and
Earning $6.99 Per Copy Sold

#20 in the Category is Ranked #763,
Selling 120 Books Per Day, and
Earning $3.50 Per Book Sold

Sales Page:
Bump for this.. i love writing stuff...
Bump for this!
please, bump for this
another bump for this to keep it on the front page!
Must have! Happydance
Hm, it is Bill Pl^tt, but I like that it is about S-F short stories + he wrote it with someone, so could be interesting...

His AS3 bucket is
but I still cannot access it.
Bump for this

Bump for this!
Bumping again for this!
And another bump.
Pages: 1 2
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