04-26-2018, 07:55 PM
(04-14-2018 09:37 PM)Realtech Wrote: [ -> ]I have Aged BHW account If still interested add me On Skype Marshallhenderson71@gmail.com
Profile Link
See his Posts Here
See his Posts Here
This man is Spamming Every WTB Request.
if He has so much Things to share why He is here ? Dammm He is Surely scammer. Also he is not VIP. But From past some weeks I have seen that he has everything what The people want to buy. See His Thread in via His Profile.

Stay Away from this guy if Possible.
You know that person has
1 ) Mailshake account
2 ) Aged BHW Account
3 ) Google Adsence Account
4 ) 500k IM/BizOp Active Email List
5 ) maxbouty account
6 ) Adword account with $250 Payment Threshold
7 ) method on how to create Bing ads account
8 ) Aged Warriorforum account
9 ) Verified Payoneer Account With Card
10) Ripples for sale
11) Cash Network CPA Account
12) Azure Account With $200 Credit
13) Facebook Ads Coupon
14) Google adwords account with adspend
15) paperform account
16) Bing ads account with clicks and impression with Vps and $200 credit
17) fresh leads from Switzerland,Germany,Austria and more available
18) ahrefs and Longtail account
19) Ethereum,Litecoin and Bitcoin
20) Amazon SES 50K Limit out of sandbox in stock
21) Btc for paypal
22) amazon aws account
23) And So On

I Mean what he is Doing Here that is the Question in my Mind.

Please Stay Away from this User this is My honest Advice. If he has this much of services he will never here I think and Making money from what he has Already.
just Post this to safeguard the interest Of the People.
Though I have not even Interacted with Him But his every Post I am watching from last 1 Month. So I feel that he must be as scammer. May Be I am wrong but Just look at his Every Post.
