(04-24-2018 10:39 AM)layna61524 Wrote: [ -> ]Also, I don't know what .json extension is (hopefully someone can chime in and inform me).
It stands for Javascript Object Notation, a data format (somewhat similar to xml) used to exchange data between web services.
Here for instance is a query that will return JSON from a wikipedia search - if you do it in Firefox it has a built-in prettyprint capability.
On another note, there is a tool called S3 Ripper - explore and download S3 buckets in one tool
Lastly, also try searching this and other BH forums for 'open bucket' or just 'bucket' - lots of stuff there too.
@sjc999: Thanks for the explanation and the tip for searching black hat forums. I can't wait to try that.
@romanesque: Sorry but I don't understand your post. It seems that English is not your mother tongue because your comment (what's happening with you?) comes across as curt.
If a bucket link comes up as xml the files may have been removed by the site owner or the files are hidden inside the code and you have to extract them. One way I find documents by file extension is to hit Ctrl+F and type pdf (other extensions work, too). By typing pdf, for example, the computer goes into all that code and FINDS (highlights in yellow) all PDF extensions. All I have to do is go in and copy/paste the full URL into a browser to download the documents, videos, etc.
These are not MY buckets so I have no control over whether they're working ... they were just to give some examples so you can start searching for buckets on your own.
Another great tutorial Layna61524. As always, excellent! Thank you. Reps Added and keep on teaching.
Yet another gold nugget from ya` Repped! 
(04-27-2018 01:59 AM)romanesque Wrote: [ -> ]your BUCKET LIST are all xml, what's happening with you?
As Layna said, the file paths are very much present, embedded in the xml.
All you need to do is go thru' the xml - the file names and relative paths are within the
However, if anyone feels doing this is too much work, then this information shared by Layna is probably not for them!
@feefiefohfum: Thank you so much, friend, for having my back.
When I first read his post, I wondered if suddenly all of the files in the bucket links had been removed. Impossible!
When I realized he was talking about the xml code I knew he didn't know how to extract the links ... and obviously didn't read the instructions in the original post.
I tell you, it's a good thing there's a computer and a LOT of distance between me and some of the people here. Otherwise, I would be forced to ...
Instead of asking for clarity or instruction, he chose to place blame on me.
I actually didn't understand his post at all (non techie here) but for someone to attempt to place blame for something on Layna is ridiculous. This particular share is especially awesome and I truly appreciate it. :)
@Nancy857: I appreciate your comment. It's good to know I wasn't the only one who couldn't make out what he meant. Luckily, I got the xml part later but it was the snarky (what's happening with you?) part that riled my feathers.
I try to be as courteous as possible when communicating to people. As I said before, some people act as though they were raised by wolves. No kind of common courtesy.
Thank you for your effort Layna61524
You are welcome, Layna!
You spend a lot of time and effort not only in searching for, but also in sharing the same with the forum. Such hard work is to be applauded, not criticized!
Wow nice share Layna. Much appreciated as usual!